Anypoint Platform Release and Maintenance Window
Scheduled Maintenance Report for US1 - Anypoint Platform
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted Apr 15, 2023 - 10:48 PDT
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Apr 15, 2023 - 09:00 PDT
We will be undergoing scheduled maintenance during this time.
Posted Apr 13, 2023 - 15:18 PDT
On Saturday, Apr 15, 2023 between 9AM and 2PM PDT (12PM - 5PM EDT, 4PM - 9PM UTC)

Bug fixes & back-end performance enhancement releases

Runtime Manager
- Internal operational updates to traffic rules

Customer Impacting / Downtime Announcement(s)

***ATTENTION: up to 1 hour of service interruption is expected during this maintenance window.***

We will be performing a scheduled upgrade of an internal database.
*** Service Impact Details:
** Applications:
Runtime Manager
During Maintenance Downtime:
* Existing Runtimes: are not impacted.
* User Experience(UX): Customers will not be able to manage their Runtime Fabric applications (both on-prem and CH2.0). They will also not be able to deploy Flex Gateways APIs.

***ATTENTION: up to 1 hour of service interruption is expected during this maintenance window.***

We will be performing a scheduled upgrade of an internal database.
*** Service Impact Details:
** Applications:
Runtime Manager
During Maintenance Downtime:
* Existing Runtimes: are not impacted.
* User Experience(UX):Platform alerts usage will be interrupted. Some servers and applications discrete alerts could be interrupted.

***ATTENTION: up to 1 hour of service interruption is expected during this maintenance window.***

We will be performing a scheduled upgrade of an internal database.
*** Service Impact Details:
** Applications:
Mocking Service
During Maintenance Downtime:
* Existing Runtimes: are not impacted.
* User Experience(UX): Mocking Service calls from API Designer, Exchange and API Community Manager (ACM) will fail due to Mocking Service being unavailable
* API Calls: REST APIs calls for Mocking Service will not be accessible as the service will be unavailable

ATTENTION: up to 90 minutes of service interruption is expected.

We will be performing a scheduled upgrade of an internal infrastructure component.
*** Service Impact Details:
** Applications:
- Anypoint Flow Designer
* User Experience(UX): User Interface (UI) will display errors when:
- Flow Designer: users want to list their connections or configurations and on interactions with the worker instance in Runtime Manager.

*** ATTENTION: up to 60 minutes of service interruption is expected during this maintenance window for the following ***

We will be doing a scheduled upgrade on Access Management database.
*** Service Impact Details:
* Applications:
- Access Management
During maintenance downtime:
- Access Management: is affected. Access Management may not be accessible
- API calls: to Access Management may be errored out. Access Management may not be able to handle API calls
Following maintenance downtime:
- Access Management: will function as usual
- API calls: will function as usual
Posted Apr 04, 2023 - 10:40 PDT
This scheduled maintenance affected: Anypoint Management Center (Access Management, Runtime Manager) and Design Center (Mocking Service).