Anypoint Platform Release and Maintenance Window
Scheduled Maintenance Report for US1 - Anypoint Platform
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted Feb 03, 2024 - 11:29 PST
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Feb 03, 2024 - 09:00 PST
On Saturday, Feb 3, 2024 between 9AM and 2PM PDT (12PM - 5PM EDT, 4PM - 9PM UTC)

*** ATTENTION: a 30 min to 1 hour service interruption is expected during this maintenance window … ***

We will be performing a scheduled upgrade on part of the platform's underlying infrastructure. We are introducing a new set of static IP addresses in Runtime Manager that will augment the existing ones. For more information, visit the KB: New IP addresses in Runtime Manager 2024 February page (
*** Service impact details:
* Applications:
- Runtime Manager
This interruption affects only Standalone Servers. Runtime Fabric, Cloud Hub 2.0, Flex Gateway are not impacted.
During the service interruption, there will be no impact to the applications.
During maintenance downtime:
* Runtimes: are not impacted.
* User Experience(UX): Application management capabilities of Runtime Manager may be disrupted as some servers may be disconnected and become unavailable for management. This will be temporary and the correct state of the Mule applications will be reflected after the maintenance window has been completed.
With the addition of a new set of static IP addresses in Runtime Manager, to avoid service disruption allow the IP addresses or domains (depending on your network policy) through your organization's firewall as listed in the Allow Lists page (
* API calls: API calls will not be impacted
* Logs and Data: log and metric display data will be updated during the service interruption.

*** ATTENTION: up to 30 minutes of service interruption is expected during this maintenance window for the following ***

We will be doing a scheduled upgrade on part of the platform underlying infrastructure.

*** Service Impact Details:
* Applications:
- Anypoint Runtime Manager
During maintenance downtime:
- Runtimes: will not be impacted
- User Interface (UI): CloudHub networking tabs (VPC, VPN, DLB, TGW) will throw errors when trying to create/update/delete
- API calls: CloudHub networking components (VPC, VPN, DLB, TGW) will not be manageable
- Logs and Data: will not be impacted
Following maintenance downtime:
- User Interface (UI): CloudHub networking tabs (VPC, VPN, DLB, TGW) will work as usual
- API calls: CloudHub networking components (VPC, VPN, DLB, TGW) will work as usual

*** ATTENTION: up to 45 minutes service interruption is expected during this maintenance window ***

We will be performing a scheduled upgrade on part of the platform's underlying public key infrastructure.
*** Service impact details:
* Applications:
- Runtime Fabric and CH2 spaces
- Anypoint Monitoring
- Flex Gateway

During maintenance downtime:

* Runtimes: are not impacted.
* User Experience(UX):
1. Existing Runtime Fabric agents cannot rotate the PKI certificate. New Runtime Fabric installation cannot be created.
2. Anypoint monitoring agent will not be able to renew its mTLS certificate.There is no impact to the usage of existing mTLS certificate to ship the metrics to the Anypoint platform, unless the certificate expires during the maintenance window.
3. mTLS certificate for existing Flex Gateway instances cannot be renewed. Existing Flex Gateway instances cannot be deleted. New Flex Gateway instance cannot be created.
4. RPA manager will only be affected if its multi-tenant infrastructure needs to be expanded to fulfill a new provisioning request during the maintenance window.

* API calls: API calls will not be impacted

*** ATTENTION: a 15 to 30 min service interruption is expected during this maintenance window … ***

We will be performing a scheduled upgrade on part of the platform’s underlying infrastructure.
*** Service impact details:
* Applications:
- Runtime Manager
This interruption affects only Runtime Fabric and Cloud Hub 2.0. Flex Gateway and Standalone Servers are not impacted. During the service interruption, there will be no impact to the applications.
During maintenance downtime:
* Runtimes: are not impacted.
* User Experience(UX): On the Runtime Fabric and Private Space Status pages, Agents might show as “Degraded” status; Customers might not be able to create Runtime Fabric Agents and Private Spaces correctly. This will be temporary and fixed after the maintenance window has been completed.
* API calls: API calls will not be impacted
* Logs and Data: log and metric display data will be updated during the service interruption.
Posted Jan 23, 2024 - 09:57 PST
This scheduled maintenance affected: Runtime Services (Runtime Fabric), Anypoint Monitoring Suite (Anypoint Monitoring), and Anypoint Management Center (Runtime Manager).