Anypoint Platform Release and Maintenance Window
Scheduled Maintenance Report for US1 - Anypoint Platform
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted May 25, 2024 - 13:44 PDT
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted May 25, 2024 - 09:00 PDT
On Saturday, May 25, 2024 between 9AM and 2PM PDT (12PM - 5PM EDT, 4PM - 9PM UTC)

New/Enhanced Feature Releases

*** ATTENTION: Starting phased release of Audit Log feature: Query results will return versioned object information that was captured when the audit log was generated. ***

Audit Log will not experience any downtime.
*** Service Change Details:
* Applications:
- Audit Log
Upcoming changes
- Until now, Audit Logs would refer to objects using their latest information.
Starting now, we'll do a phased release of a feature where query results will have versioned object information to reflect object state captured at the time of log generation.
The query results will have no breaking change in the data model.
We expect the phased release to be complete in a week.
See usage example ( on how to opt in to this new feature to try it now, before it is made the default.

Customer Impacting / Downtime Announcement(s)

*** ATTENTION: up to 60 minutes of service interruption is expected during this maintenance window. ***

We will be performing a scheduled upgrade of an internal database.
*** Service Impact Details:
** Applications:
API Functional Monitoring
During Maintenance Downtime:
* Existing Runtimes: are not impacted.
* User Experience(UX): API Functional Monitoring tests will not be fully shown, executed or scheduled while AFM services are unavailable
* API Calls: REST APIs calls for AFM executions, analytics and scheduled tests will not be accessible as the services will be unavailable

*** ATTENTION: up to 20 minutes of service interruption is expected during this maintenance window. ***

We will be performing a scheduled upgrade of an internal database.
*** Service Impact Details:
** Applications:
API Governance
During Maintenance Downtime:
* Existing Runtimes: are not impacted.
* User Experience(UX): API Governance won't show any profile information while the services are unavailable
* API Calls: REST APIs calls for retrieving profiles and reports will not be accessible as the services will be unavailable

*** ATTENTION: up to 30 minutes of service interruption is expected during this maintenance window. ***

We will be doing a scheduled upgrade on Design Center's API Designer infrastructure.
*** Service Impact Details:
* Applications:
- API Designer
During maintenance downtime:
- API Designer: projects edition and creation will be affected.
Following maintenance downtime:
- API Designer: operation on projects (edition and creation) will work as usual.

*** ATTENTION: up to 3 hours of service interruption is expected during this maintenance window. ***

We will be performing a scheduled upgrade of an internal database.
*** Service Impact Details:
* Applications:
- API Manager
During maintenance downtime:
- Runtimes: are not affected.
- User Interface (UI): will show “Unable to complete this request while services are undergoing maintenance. Please retry after maintenance has been completed.” when doing certain operations.
- API calls: to these services will return Service Unavailable Error (503). GET Requests will not be affected.
- Logs and Data: will continue to be collected.
Following maintenance downtime:
- Logs and Data: will appear as usual.
- Runtimes and all services: will resume normal operation.

*** ATTENTION: up to 45 mins of service interruption is expected during this maintenance window. ***

We will be performing a scheduled upgrade of our database.
*** Service Impact Details:
* Applications:
- Runtime Fabric
- Private Space
- Tokenization Services
- Runtime Manager
During maintenance downtime:
- User Interface (UI):
Runtime Fabric: Unable to view or edit existing runtime fabrics and create a new fabric
Tokenization: Unable to create or edit tokenization services
Security: Unable to add or edit Tokenization Formats & Security Policies
Private Space: Unable to view or edit existing Private Spaces and create a new Private Space.
Applications: Unable to list applications for any Runtime targets. Unable to load, modify, and deploy applications that have Runtime Fabric or Cloudhub 2.0 as their deployment target.
- API calls:
Tokenization APIs will not be functional
Security fabric Edge APIs for Runtime Fabrics inbound traffic configuration will not be functional
CH2 APIs for creating/managing private spaces will not be accessible
Runtime fabric APIs for creating/managing runtime fabrics will not be functional
Application Manager APIs for creating/managing applications for Cloudhub 2.0 and Runtime Fabric targets will not be functional
Following maintenance downtime:
- User Interface (UI): Runtime fabric, tokenization, and private space management will work as usual.
- API calls: Runtime fabric, tokenization, and private space management will work as usual.

*** ATTENTION: up to 30 minutes of service interruption is expected during this maintenance window. ***

We will be doing a scheduled upgrade on part of the platform underlying infrastructure.
*** Service Impact Details:
* Applications:
- Composer
During maintenance downtime:
- Composer UI will be intermittently inaccessible including Flow editor and Run History. Activating new flows may fail intermittently. Existing Runtimes will be not impacted
Following maintenance downtime:
- Composer functionality will resume normal operations.

*** ATTENTION: up to 45 minutes service interruption is expected during this maintenance window. ***

We will be performing a scheduled upgrade on part of the platform's underlying public key infrastructure.
*** Service impact details:
* Applications:
- Runtime Fabric and CH2 spaces
- Anypoint Monitoring
- Flex Gateway
During maintenance downtime:
* Runtimes: are not impacted.
* User Experience(UX):
1. Existing Runtime Fabric agents cannot rotate the PKI certificate. New Runtime Fabric installation cannot be created.
2. Anypoint monitoring agent will not be able to renew its mTLS certificate.There is no impact to the usage of existing mTLS certificate to ship the metrics to the Anypoint platform, unless the certificate expires during the maintenance window.
3. mTLS certificate for existing Flex Gateway instances cannot be renewed. Existing Flex Gateway instances cannot be deleted. New Flex Gateway instance cannot be created.
4. RPA manager will only be affected if its multi-tenant infrastructure needs to be expanded to fulfill a new provisioning request during the maintenance window.
* API calls: API calls will not be impacted

*** ATTENTION: up to 60 minutes of service interruption is expected during this maintenance window. ***

We will be performing a scheduled upgrade of an internal database for Anypoint Secrets Manager
*** Service impact details:
* Applications:
- Runtime Manager
- API Manager
- Partner Manager (both v1 and v2)
- Anypoint Security (All components)
- Design Center (Flow Designer, API Designer and Design Center Projects)
- Anypoint Monitoring
- MuleSoft Composer
- MuleSoft Composer for Salesforce
During maintenance downtime:
* User Experience(UX): Anypoint Secrets Manager will be unavailable. User will experience an error for the following applications:
Anypoint Secrets Manager: Customers will not be able to manage secret groups and secrets.
Runtime Manager: Customers will not be able to deploy a new mule application, create a new Runtime Fabric instance, Private Space instance and Tokenization Service.
API Manager: Customers will not be able to add or update APIs using Mule Gateway or Flex Gateway.
Partner Manager: Customers will not be able to create or update endpoints, nor they will be able to deploy new message flows. Also they won’t be able to run template upgrades.
Anypoint Security: Customers will not be able to create or update their security-edge instance and tokenization service.
Design Center: Customers will not be able to perform activities involving Anypoint Secrets Manager.
Anypoint Monitoring: Customers monitors that are using Anypoint Secrets Manager integration in their monitor will fail.
MuleSoft Composer: Customers will not be able to create a new workflow. Existing workflows may also be impacted if it stores or retrieves secrets from Secrets Manager.
MuleSoft Composer for Salesforce: Customers will not be able to activate the workflow
* API calls:
Invoking Anypoint APIs that use Anypoint Secrets Manager will fail.
* Existing Runtimes: are not impacted.
* Following maintenance downtime:
Anypoint Secrets Manager will function as usual

*** ATTENTION: up to 2 hours of service interruption is expected during this maintenance window. ***

We will be performing database maintenance.
*** Service Impact Details:
** Applications:
- Anypoint Monitoring
During Maintenance Downtime:
- Anypoint Monitoring might not be available during downtime

*** ATTENTION: up to 15 minutes of service interruption is expected during this maintenance window. ***

We will be doing a scheduled upgrade on part of the platform underlying infrastructure.
*** Service Impact Details:
* Applications:
- RPA Manager
During maintenance downtime:
- RPA manager No data loss is expected for any tenant. Execution of RPA processes may fail intermittently as the infrastructure upgrade is in progress.
Following maintenance downtime:
- RPA manager will resume normal operations.
Posted May 15, 2024 - 05:17 PDT
This scheduled maintenance affected: Runtime Services (Runtime Fabric, Scheduler), Anypoint Monitoring Suite (Anypoint Monitoring), Anypoint Security (Secrets Manager, Security - Edge, Tokenization), Anypoint Management Center (API Manager, Runtime Manager, API Functional Monitoring, API Governance), Design Center (API Designer, Mocking Service), and Anypoint Partner Manager v2, MuleSoft Composer, MuleSoft RPA.