Anypoint Platform Release and Maintenance Window
Scheduled Maintenance Report for US1 - Anypoint Platform
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted Feb 17, 2024 - 14:00 PST
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Feb 17, 2024 - 09:00 PST
On Saturday, Feb 17, 2024 between 9AM and 2PM PST (12PM - 5PM EST, 5PM - 10PM UTC)

Bug fixes & back-end performance enhancement releases

Anypoint Webserver
- OAuth Client System (OCS) implementing rate limiting policy - an internal service to create OAuth connections in MS Composer.
- Implementing rate and size request limits to prevent abusing application endpoints. No impact for normal usage through the web.

Customer Impacting / Downtime Announcement(s)

*** ATTENTION: up to 2 hours of service interruption is expected during this maintenance window for the following ***

We will be doing a scheduled upgrade on Access Management database.
*** Service Impact Details:
* Applications:
- Access Management
During maintenance downtime
- Anypoint users will be able to login to their account and view information in Access Management, but may not be able modify information until the scheduled downtime is complete.
- Anypoint clients will be able to get new tokens, and call read APIs in Access Management, but may not be able to call write APIs until the scheduled downtime is complete.
- Any tokens obtained 1 hour prior to the downtime window will not expire until the end of the downtime window.
- Any tokens obtained during the downtime window will work, but may suddenly expire. When that happens, please login or request a new token.
- API calls to Access Management may error out.
Following maintenance downtime
- Access Management will function as usual
- Help Center will function as usual
Additionally, the following services will be impacted and in degraded states during this change. It is recommended that customers treat the following services as degraded during this window:
- API Designer
- API Analytics
- API Monitoring Center
- API Functional Monitoring
- Audit Log
- Composer (MuleSoft and Salesforce)
- Design Center Projects
- API Mocking Service
- OAuth Client System
- Anypoint MQ
- Anypoint Metering
- Runtime Fabric
- Runtime Manager
- Anypoint Partner Manager v2
- Object Store V2
- Trusted Domains
- Universal Management Platform
- Existing running applications won't see any impact. If an existing (MQ or OSv2 app) got restarted during the maintenance, it won't be impacted either.
- Customers won't be able to deploy new MQ and OSv2 apps when Auth Service database is in RO mode as authentication tokens can't be generated.

*** ATTENTION: up to 4 hours of service interruption is expected during this maintenance window ***

We will be performing database maintenance.
*** Service Impact Details:
** Applications:
Anypoint Monitoring
During Maintenance Downtime:
- Anypoint platform users may not be able to use Anypoint monitoring
- Anypoint Platform users may not be able to deploy new apps or restart existing apps
- Visualizer users may not be able to use Visualizer.

*** ATTENTION: up to 60 minutes of service interruption is expected during this maintenance window ***

We will be performing a scheduled update Vulnerability Remediation of an internal database for email notifications
*** Service impact details:
** Applications:
Runtime Manager
API Manager
During maintenance downtime:
* User Experience(UX): Email notification system will be unavailable.

*** ATTENTION: up to 60 minutes of service interruption is possible during this maintenance window ***

We will be performing a scheduled upgrade on part of the platform's underlying infrastructure.
*** Service impact details:
* Applications:
- Monitoring Center
During maintenance downtime:
This potential interruption will only affect Alerts. New and existing alerts status changes (including alert triggering) may be delayed until downtime is concluded.
* User Experience(UX): Monitoring Center alerts may not be triggered.

*** ATTENTION: up to 60 minutes of service interruption is expected ***

Exchange will be performing an increase of the size of an internal database.
*** Service Impact Details:
* Applications:
- Exchange
During maintenance downtime:
- Runtimes: are not affected.
- User Interface (UI): will show “Unable to complete this request while services are undergoing maintenance. Please retry after maintenance has been completed.” when doing certain operations.
- API calls: to these services will return Service Unavailable Error (503). GET RequestsRequest will not be affected.
- Logs and Data: will continue to be collected.
Following maintenance downtime:
- Logs and Data: will appear as usual.
- Runtimes and all services: will resume normal operation.
Posted Feb 07, 2024 - 10:31 PST
This scheduled maintenance affected: Object Store v2 (Object Store v2 - Stats - us-east-1, Object Store v2 - Service - us-east-1, Object Store v2 - Service - us-east-2, Object Store v2 - Service - us-west-1, Object Store v2 - Service - us-west-2, Object Store v2 - Service - eu-west-1, Object Store v2 - Service - eu-west-2, Object Store v2 - Service - eu-central-1, Object Store v2 - Service - ap-southeast-1, Object Store v2 - Service - ap-southeast-2, Object Store v2 - Service - ap-northeast-1, Object Store v2 - Service - sa-east-1, Object Store v2 - Service - ca-central-1), Anypoint Management Center (Access Management, API Manager, Runtime Manager, API Analytics, API Functional Monitoring, Exchange), Anypoint MQ (Anypoint MQ - Admin - us-east-1, Anypoint MQ - Stats - us-east-1, Anypoint MQ - Broker - us-east-1, Anypoint MQ - Broker - us-east-2, Anypoint MQ - Broker - us-west-2, Anypoint MQ - Broker - ca-central-1, Anypoint MQ - Broker - eu-west-1, Anypoint MQ - Broker - eu-west-2, Anypoint MQ - Broker - ap-southeast-1, Anypoint MQ - Broker - ap-southeast-2, Anypoint MQ - Broker - ap-northeast-1), Anypoint Monitoring Suite (Anypoint Monitoring, Anypoint Visualizer), Design Center (API Designer, Mocking Service), and MuleSoft Composer, MuleSoft Help Center.